
超值推薦-Religious Experience in Contemporary Taiwan and China
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想知道博客來網路書店如何介紹[Religious Experience in Contemporary Taiwan and China]嗎
“Religious Experience in Contemporary Taiwan and China helps social scientists and all religion scholars to rediscover the importance of religious experiences for multiple world religions. Combining a diverse array of survey items with thousands of candid narratives conducted in Taiwan, the authors provide a depth and breadth that can’t be matched by previous work. The nationally representative surveys for Taiwan and China offer a broad overview of how religion is experienced in the culture, how these experiences vary for each of the many religious (and even non-religious) groups, and how they vary between China and Taiwan.”
From the Preface by Roger Finke
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宗教命理書籍最主要分兩塊, 宗教書籍其中的書大都是寫宗教的起源與理念, 如果你想研究宗教可以在這個分類中找到你想要的書籍!! 命理書籍比較可以分別有幾類, 有描寫紫微斗術、命相、面相、手相、星座學、占卜、塔羅等..。